Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Trendsetter Tuesday: Patterned Paradise

Patterns are popping up everywhere and I can't get enough. This season I'm starting to see the transition of geometric patterns from textiles to furniture and decorative accessories. I was wandering through the design district today and I stopped in Jonathan Adler's store for my "Happy Chic" fix. No one does bold fearless patterns like Adler and in true fashion, his bevy of bright geometric vases immediately jumped out at me. I could just see a collection of these little gems posted up on a white console in a dramatic entry way or at the center of attention in a dining room. 


I am also absolutely crushing on Palmer Weiss' incredible Palm Beach luxury aesthetic and her use of patterned dining room furniture to create a look that gushes glamour and sophistication. The stark whiteness of the chairs juxtaposes the rich chocolate walls achieving a gigantic geometric statement. For me- this is patterned paradise at its best. 

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